Gdańsk Yearbook
of the Gdańsk Scientific Society

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Editorial Scientific Board

The Editorial Scientific Board of the "Rocznik Gdański" gathers scientific authorities who speak with the richness of scientific experience, excellent quality of achievements and outstanding achievements. These experiences and achievements are in direct relation with the profile and issues of the journal.

The Editorial Scientific Board is made up of professors:

Józef Borzyszkowski (chairman)

Dieter Bingen (Federal Republic of Germany), Marcin Hinz, Henryk Ilgiewicz (Lithuania), Grażyna Kozaczka (United States of America), Beata Możejko, Cezary Obracht-Prondzyński, Miloš Rĕznik (Federal Republic of Germany), Grzegorz Szamocki, Leonid O. Zashkilniak (Ukraine )


Call for papers

The editorial office of "Rocznik Gdański GTN" invites you to send scientific texts in Polish or English, or any other congress language, devoted to Gdańsk and Pomeranian issues. We accept previously unpublished studies in the following categories: articles - studies, reports and research communications; reviews, reports, conversations. Detailed rules regarding the preparation of texts - see: "For authors".

Please send your texts via the website:

Please send any questions regarding submitting your text to: