Gdańsk Yearbook
of the Gdańsk Scientific Society

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Review procedure

After receiving the article, it is initially verified by the Editorial Team and then sent for review. Works that do not meet the formal and editorial requirements are sent back to the Authors in order to correct the text. Articles qualified by the Editorial Team are sent to reviewers from outside the unit with which the author of the publication is associated (the list of reviewers is available on the journal's website). The reviewers do not know the identity of the author, and the names of the reviewers of individual articles are not disclosed (double blind review).

The editors consider "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" to be a blatant manifestation of scientific misconduct. All cases of such practices will be unmasked and made public, as well as reported to relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, institutions financing science, the ministry responsible for science).

Detailed information on the responsibilities of authors, reviewers and editors can be found in the Principles of Publishing Ethics.

Call for papers

The editorial office of "Rocznik Gdański GTN" invites you to send scientific texts in Polish or English, or any other congress language, devoted to Gdańsk and Pomeranian issues. We accept previously unpublished studies in the following categories: articles - studies, reports and research communications; reviews, reports, conversations. Detailed rules regarding the preparation of texts - see: "For authors".

Please send your texts via the website:

Please send any questions regarding submitting your text to: