Gdańsk Yearbook
of the Gdańsk Scientific Society

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Editorial Team

The journal profile of the "Rocznik Gdański" is presented in the Editorial Team, of which members represent various disciplines, including philosophy and cultural studies, history, sociology and pedagogy. The Editorial Team cooperates with many others representatives of humanities and social sciences. This cooperation enables a competent and quick preliminary assessment of the works submitted for publication in the journal.



prof. dr hab. Maria Mendel (Editor-in-Chief)

dr Agnieszka Pawłowska-Kubik (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)

dr hab. Marcin Boryczko (Editorial Secretaire)



Jarosław Balcewicz (management, economics), Sylwia Bykowska (history of Gdańsk, history of the PRL, national relations in Pomerania), Tomasz Chinciński (history of the twentieth century - interwar period and World War II), Małgorzata Czermińska (Polish philology, literature sciences), Daniel Gucewicz (history of churches and religious associations after the Second World War), Małgorzata Łukianow (oral history, social memory, historical policy, Powiśle), Janusz Mosakowski (Polish-German literature), Piotr Paluchowski (modern history), Dorota Rancew-Sikora (anthropology and sociology), Magdalena Izabella Sacha (cultural studies), Anna Paner (history of the Middle Ages), Tomasz Szkudlarek (philosophy and pedagogy), Agnieszka Wołodźko (culture and art, history of art).



Joanna Sadkowska



Agnieszka Pawłowska-Kubik (Polish language)

Aleksandra Kurowska-Susdorf (English)

Miłosława Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk (German)



Technical editor (different in each volume)

Michał Wera (website of the journal)




Call for papers

The editorial office of "Rocznik Gdański GTN" invites you to send scientific texts in Polish or English, or any other congress language, devoted to Gdańsk and Pomeranian issues. We accept previously unpublished studies in the following categories: articles - studies, reports and research communications; reviews, reports, conversations. Detailed rules regarding the preparation of texts - see: "For authors".

Please send your texts via the website:

Please send any questions regarding submitting your text to: